AQUAINITIATOR of individual influence

(27 customer reviews)
Original price was: $1,047.Current price is: $969.

THE AQUAINITIATOR of individual (targeted) influence triggers the regeneration of the body to its natural state. It builds the necessary and favorable situations in the life field of human events.

SKU: PROD-0103

AQUAINITIATOR of individual (targeted) influence triggers the regeneration of the body to its natural state. The process of restoring the original integrity of the damaged structure (the original “drawing”) is underway. Builds in the life field of human events the necessary and favorable situations..

“Life is animated Water”

by Leonardo Da Vinci

Technologies of System Correction is a new approach to solving problems in various fields:

    • intelligent systems and biotechnology;
    • ecology and healthcare;
    • management and goal setting;
    • production and processing.

The program in the format of AQUAINITIATOR individual impact is the result of a unique technology and triggers the regeneration of the body to its natural state. The process of restoring the original integrity of the damaged structure (the original “drawing”, the hologram of a person) starts. AQUAINITIATOR adjusts the body to a frequency that coincides with the original natural vibrations of a person, the body acquires the desired resonance, the body adjusts with natural frequencies. The hologram of a person is subject to restoration and the acquisition of structural integrity. The human aquafield (“aura”/”biofield”) is being restored. This rise in energy revives the systems and organs of the human body and makes a person able to receive, recognize and absorb the information coming to him.

The basis for obtaining aquatic initiators are radio-optical holograms (ROG), readable using a special hardware-software complex based on lasers and other generators of physical fields from various samples – up toburrows of natural origin (medicinal herbs, beekeeping products, seafood, minerals and much more).

AQUAINITIATOR is a deep impact model obtained by software transforming radio-optical holograms (topographic images) from various donor objects of living and inanimate nature.

When using AQUAINIATORS, the following are possible:

  • General correction of the state of health (until complete healing). The process of restoring the original integrity of the damaged structure is ongoing.
  • Healing effect (general improvement of health, well-being, healthier sleep, increased stamina, increased stability during psycho-emotional and physical exertion) due to the activation of the body at its own frequencies.
  • Prevention of various diseases (cardiac and oncological diseases, infertility, immune diseases, viral diseases and many others).
  • Strengthening the body.
  • Rejuvenation of the body.
  • Staying (finding) a person in a state of awareness in which it is easier for him to recognize (recognize) environmental factors.
  • Correction of the field of events (reach your best possible development of fate). Realization of the mission. MTF builds in the life field of human events the situations necessary and favorable to him.
  • Increase creativity.
  • Disclosure of physical and mental capabilities (abilities).
  • Restoring the aqua field (“aura” / “biofield”) of a person and maintaining it under adverse conditions.
  • Individual protection of a person from psychophysical influences.
  • Correction of the consequences of various adverse informational influences on a person arising as a result of his “mistakes” in the way of thinking, words, actions (actions), the result of cause-effect relationships, the so-called “spoilage”.
  • Neutralization of the effects of harmful radiation from various electronic devices: mobile phones, computers and others.
  • Neutralization of the impact of biospheric pathogenic zones.
  • An additional powerful tool to protect against various other adverse effects.

THE AQUAINITIATOR of individual (targeted) influence is recorded in the form of a special program and is supplied for further use in various versions:

  • on removable media (flash drive, player);
  • a file on the Internet in various formats (depending on the wishes of the customer). The duration of the program is from 3 to 15 minutes. The program is ready for playback on any household devices designed to play audio, video files and view images (computer, audio, video player, mobile phone, etc.);
  • in the form of a control program for devices based on various physical field generators;
  • in the form of a kit for devices with a multistage water conditioning system “TITANIA”;
  • in the form of various stickers with holograms applied to them;
  • on various crystals on which MTF are deposited using special lasers.

AQUAINITIATOR is manufactured using a unique technology, where the technology of linguistic-wave genetics is taken as a basis and significantly modified by us. The development of LVH is based on an expanded understanding of the functions of the genetic code. This is a record of EMSHI spin-ordered information that is contained in the umbilical cord blood, placenta, photograph of the child, any substance, etc. A. The healing and corrective effect is achieved through listening.

Since the AQUAINITIATOR is a kind of key or set of addresses with the help of which the organism “updates” information about its ideal state, which is then reflected in the physical body, in other words, there is a recovery and a turn of life circumstances in a favorable direction. This information is strategic information built according to the laws of Beauty and Harmony. These laws are primary and titled in our universe and build living organisms, and humans. AQUAINITIATORS provide harmonic images associated with the initial spin modulation of sensing laser photons that take information from various extracts of biologically active substances (for example, , stone oil, royal jelly , shilajit, herbal extracts , etc. e.), as well as from children’s photographs. Information is absorbed by almost any aqua system and correction is effective.

To transfer the wave equivalent of genetic and metabolic information from the Donor to the Recipient, we use a hardware-software complex based on lasers. Constant research and refinement of the complex is underway for more efficient transmission of information.

Proven methods and applications of AQUAINITIATORS:

  • application in combination with an intelligent system for initiating specified properties in ISI aquasystems;
  • listening with headphones during exercise;
  • listening early in the morning and before going to bed for 30-40 minutes, drinking during the application of the MTF of general action during the day 2-4 liters of water prepared with the help of a multi-stage water conditioning system “TITANIA”;
  • round-the-clock application in the background.

When using AQUAINIATORS, no side effects were detected.

For the manufacture of an AQUAINITIATOR of targeted (individual) influence, a children’s photo* of the customer (usually under the age of 3 years) is required, where he is alone, healthy, in good mood.
The quality of the scanned photo is as high as possible, the format is any.
* it is desirable to send several (3-7 pcs.) photos

Production time – up to 5 working days. The AQUAINITIATOR program is supplied as a file on the Internet in various formats (DSD, WAV, OGG).

AQUAINITIATOR of individual influence, example:


  • Only individual targeted informational influence either directly on a person or on water, which is then used by a person.
  • You pay once and you use it all your life.
  • Unlimited shelf life and use.

Our advantages:

  • Versatility of application (in any conditions, on any household devices).
  • Acceptable price level.
  • Loyalty programs to customers and our representatives.
  • New equipment, constantly improving technologies, modern developments that increase efficiency and expand the scope of application of AQUAINITIATORS.

Attention! The use of corrective programs in the AQUAINITIATOR format does not mean the rejection of medical methods of treatment. If you suspect the occurrence of any diseases, contact your doctor first.

Also, it should be remembered that our technology allows you to eliminate various functional disorders (pathologies) of the body, subject to the active and responsible participation of the person himself. It is necessary to observe the regularity and consistency of the use of this technology. The responsibility for this lies directly with the customer.

Contact our authorized representative to discuss cooperation, purchasing and buying of our products.

For a better understanding of the technology we use, we recommend that you watch the video
Report at the Congress “Energy Medicine 2015”, Sviatoslav Tarasenko, Germany.
TOPIC: “Reagent-free change in the properties of water and hardware-software complex for its implementation”

Sviatoslav Tarasenko is a researcher, the creator of models of influence in the AQUAINITIATOR format, the developer of a set of devices, including an intelligent system for initiating specified properties in the ISI aquasystems and TITANIA aquaconditioners, a teacher of his own methodology of self-awareness, self-development, self-realization and goal-setting.

For best impact, it is recommended to use MTF in combination with the following devices:

  • ISI is an intelligent system for initiating specified properties in aquasystems. It is an integral part of the technologies of system correction. The effect of the device is achieved by translating combinations of acoustic and electromagnetic signals obtained using a research hardware and software complex based on devices of the series “TITANIA” (water must be purified and ininfo-free) and aquatic environments. Allows you to transfer / “record” programs in aquainitiator format in the acoustic, infrared, optical and other ranges of electro-magnetic waves, which makes it possible to effectively transfer the beneficial properties of donor samples (medicinal herbs, products) beekeeping, minerals and much more) on the substance.
  • Aquaconditioners series “TITANIA”. Devices with multi-stage systemtheme of water conditioning. TITANIA conditions water using electrochemistry and biophotonics methods at the molecular level, being purified from almost any substances and influences harmful to the human body, acquiring as a result of processing special combinations of electric currents and modulated physical fields, the most complete range of useful properties. Healing largely depends on how clean and healthy water a person drinks, since he himself consists of water.
  • AQUACORRECTORS – devices for photon, magnetic, information-active, spin-field personalized aquacorrection. Designed to suppress viruses, fungi, protozoa, bacteria, helminths, their toxins in the body and space, as well as to restore the body at the energy, genetic, cellular, organ levels.



Sviatoslav Tarasenko conducted a series of experiments to study the reagent-free change in the properties of water (field transfer of the properties of donor objects to water). Purpose: to fix the result of the impact of information signals in the format of AQUAINITIATOR on water and metals.

Samples of frozen water after influence to an information signal in the format AQUAINITIATOR

Read the results and experiments

For more information, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rubric

27 reviews for AQUAINITIATOR of individual influence

  1. TSC

    Dear Sviatoslav! I want to share my achievements. In April 2016, I deeply cut the lower phalanx on the palm side of my left hand with a crowbar. I treated it with the lamp, and it all healed, not even a trace was left. I didn’t use any ointments or compresses, everything healed, leaving no trace. Then I decided to work on the appendicitis scar, which was cut out 10 years ago. In conjunction with the tuning fork. I am very pleased with the result, and it is visible in the photo. I structure living water (I have a device for living and dead water) for a minute and then drink it with salt. I do the same with boiled water. In both cases, the salts settle on the walls of the transparent cup. I don’t know if this is good or bad in the first case? I would like my teeth to be restored, but that’s probably fantasy. Thank you for the devices. Respectfully, Alexander.

  2. TSC

    Good day!
    I decided to buy the Lamp aquacorrector 2 device because of skin problems. I had frequent red rashes and pimples, especially on the back and buttocks. I understood the problem was internal. I don’t like going to doctors and don’t want to. I don’t want to take “chemicals” (“cure one thing, cripple another”).
    I use the device constantly, changing modes daily. I place the lamp approximately one meter away from myself. And just turn it on to treat the room. After a month of use, the rashes almost went away, and now I’ve forgotten about them. Moreover, I started to sleep very well, and after a working day, I feel great – as if I hadn’t worked at all.
    I talked about my problem when ordering, and as a gift with the device, they made me an AQUAINITIATOR (MFC). I used it as recommended, in the morning and in the evening, also in conjunction with the Lamp aquacorrector device. And together, Lamp aquacorrector and AQUAINITIATOR (MFC) helped me a lot.
    Thank you.

  3. TSC

    I love everything new, and probably that’s why fate led me to the site, where I met Sviatoslav. I’m 60 years old. I’m a leader of a small team. The following health problems: rapid fatigue, often insomnia. I went to bed at 22:00, got up at 05:30. I acquired a tuning fork. The results exceeded my expectations. Fatigue significantly decreased, and sleep improved. The main thing is I started to sleep less (I don’t go to bed before 23:00 now) and wake up by myself at 05:00. Sviatoslav, thank you, I wish you new achievements in your creative work.
    Respectfully, Alexey.

  4. TSC

    Hello Dear Sviatoslav!
    I thank you for the multifractal tuning fork you made with a photo of my cousin. As a result of listening for 20-30 days, the “herpes” that has been tormenting me since childhood stopped appearing. I am just very happy, Thank you for helping me get rid of this terrible infection.
    — Respectfully, Vladislav from Samara.

  5. TSC

    In the evenings, I often had calf pain, sometimes even in the morning. I used various ointments to relieve the pain. I decided to order a tuning fork for prevention. Besides everything else, my male potential increased. My wife says that our relationship became like 15 years ago.

  6. TSC

    Hello dear Sviatoslav!
    I have been listening to your MFC (Multifunctional Complex) for individual impact since June 14, and as of today, the result fully meets my expectations and even more, the fungus on my body has completely disappeared, there’s an increase in muscle fullness throughout the body, I became more energetic, fresh, and clear-faced, I am very grateful to you for your excellent work, with respect, Vladislav from Samara.

  7. TSC

    I started listening to my tuning fork during pregnancy, experiencing calmness and relief, and my morning sickness stopped. I instantly felt energized, otherwise, I would constantly feel like lying down and sleeping. My child and I had different Rh factors, which of course complicated the situation (that’s why we decided to order the program). Listening to my sounds, I went through pregnancy quite easily and gave birth to a healthy and strong baby, and my husband and I are very grateful to you and your technologies! 🙂
    Now, I always listen to the tuning fork at the first signs of health deterioration. Discomfort quickly goes away. Also, I noticed that the tuning fork very effectively relieves headaches. Thank you!!!

  8. TSC

    hello! Sviatoslav, the back pain has almost gone, it happened very suddenly, that is, it hurt and hurt and then suddenly stopped. There is still a little discomfort, of course, but the severe pain passed unexpectedly quickly. In terms of time, somewhere after 2 months from the start of listening.
    I will go to work after the New Year, I will not be in Ukraine for at least 4 months. I hope not more))) I will listen to the tuning fork constantly. Upon return, I will do another tomography and then provide you with all the images and so on. I hope there will be no hernia.
    As for the brother, everything is not so good. The fact is that he could not stop drinking. This happens rarely, much less often than before, but… precisely. I would say that his overall well-being has improved. Since the beginning of listening, he got drunk 3 times, that is, about once every 3 weeks. BUT he got an appetite, his morale improved, nervousness passed or decreased. I explained to him that he absolutely should not drink and it would also be advisable to quit smoking, but, alas… Although if we compare what was before, now it is heaven and earth. By the way, he passed a medical examination with blood tests for work, and they let him through, that is, they found nothing. I don’t know what the tests were, but before he was very worried that they would find HIV in him. And now they didn’t find anything bad, and the medical examination was passed successfully.

  9. TSC

    I ordered a tuning fork, friends strongly recommended it. I had no expectations, rather some skepticism. I started listening on a media player, irregularly. I started noticing that my well-being significantly improved, the chronic fatigue common among many city dwellers disappeared. It felt as if someone was recharging my batteries. I thought it was just a coincidence, took a break for a week, and soon the feeling of being energized disappeared. Now I do the procedure regularly, twice a day: in the morning and before bedtime. Besides increasing tone, I noticed that my concentration improved. In the last 4 months, I haven’t had any ailments.

  10. TSC

    Good Day, Sviatoslav! I have been using the multifractal tuning fork for a long time, periodically turning it on and listening to maintain health and restore strength. Recently, I caught a cold in my back (after a hot bath, I lay down under an open window and fell asleep). It “grabbed” the next day, sharply. It was very painful to bend and straighten, and to move at all. I put on a compress at night, but it didn’t help, the pain in the morning was the same. Then I remembered the tuning fork. I turned it on and after 20-30 minutes of listening, the pain began to subside, I was even able to straighten up! In general, after 1.5 days, I was completely healthy, my back recovered.
    Thank you for what you are doing!

  11. TSC

    Hello, Sviatoslav! Wow, this is something!!! One of the files opened, the one with an “o” at the end, “babbling brook”. I must say, I didn’t understand what happened: my soul and body rushed towards these sounds and, as after a long thirst, couldn’t get enough. I don’t remember how many times I listened to the recording that evening, only that my body periodically twitched and convulsed as if someone or something was coming out of there. One thing is clear: there is contact. What happens next – we’ll see.
    P.S. I will pray for your health. Be happy!

  12. TSC

    Hello, Sviatoslav! I think you will be interested in our first sensations. My mom’s session lasted 15 minutes. She says that sensations started on the right side of her head, then flowed down to the chest area (heart), and she fell asleep after removing the headphones. My session lasted about 2 hours – A pleasant meditative state. That’s all for now. THANK YOU!

  13. TSC

    To Sviatoslav Tarasenko.
    Hello, comrades! I want to share with you how I managed to cure such a terrible ailment as a herniated disc. First, a little about the circumstances that led to this disease. In January 2011, while on a work shift, I was doing repair work on a drilling pump with my team, manually changing the crankshaft-connecting rod mechanism weighing about 150kg. After the repair, back pains started, which kept getting worse, and by June 2011, they became unbearable. After working only 2 weeks out of four, I had to be urgently evacuated from the YTM field, located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. I decided not to go to Tobolsk, where I live, but to Tomsk to my relatives. I had heard they had good doctors there. After 3 weeks of treatment, the pains went away, I closed my sick leave, and went home with a further treatment plan and recommendations for gymnastics. I followed all the instructions, took medication, did gymnastics, and also went for underwater traction treatments as recommended. It seemed like I got my back in order in 3 months. But the doctors in Tobolsk shocked me by saying that I would now suffer from this disease for life and would have to spend a lot of time avoiding pain recurrences. Forget about lifting weights. Frankly, I didn’t want this, as I am a very busy person and didn’t want to be distracted by maintaining my health. And what about weights, if a man can’t lift weights at work, even though I’m in a managerial position, this prospect didn’t seem rosy to me. And the worst didn’t take long to come. On the first shift after the vacation, I hurt my back again. In general, I came from each shift and went for treatment. This continued until my next vacation in September 2012, but this time the pains did not go away. With 2 weeks left before the shift, I had terrible back pains. Then, on the recommendation of a friend, out of desperation and without any hope, I ordered an MFC. I listened to it for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening. Don’t be shocked, because I was shocked myself, since I honestly didn’t hope for anything. The pains went away in just 4 days. Naturally, this was unbelievable to me, and I called my friend who recommended this tuning fork, telling him about it. And he replied, “What did you expect?” Today, I easily lift weights of 100kg at work, and I haven’t thought about the pains. I sometimes, but very rarely (once every two weeks or once a month), turn on the tuning fork—although the recommendation was to listen to it daily for at least a year. July 1, 2013.
    video review –

  14. TSC

    I ordered the first program for my mom in September 2011, and the second for my daughter in March 2012. My mom and I watch and listen to the program regularly. For two years now, the body has been working without a hitch, work capacity has increased, emotional state improved, and stress is zero. Before listening to the program, my daughter could not get pregnant for two years, but after listening to the program, I became a grandfather in November 2012, for which everyone congratulated me. We all feel young, healthy, and confident, which is what we wish for you too. Vladimir Proskurin.

  15. TSC

    Hello, I understand that every feedback is important to you. There’s another person who listens to the matrices, my mother. She keeps such a diary. I also suggested sending her observations. I hope you find it interesting. “First day listening to the matrix. My head hurt a lot during the listening. At night, I started having pains in the bladder. (Unexpected!). The pains were like those of inflammation. I had something like this about 30 years ago. Then, I started feeling pains on the right side, in the area of the urinary tract. In the morning, I looked at myself in the mirror and did not recognize my face. It was as if I was many-faced. Listening to the matrix for the second evening. I see, as if on a white glowing screen, black dots that fall off, like dust. I know this is happening with me, with my cells. Fatigue, heaviness in the body is going away. Great relaxation and emptiness, as during meditation. Third day. The pains in the bladder have not gone away completely. On the upper lip – herpes. I do not remember when I had herpes – long ago, maybe in childhood. Lightness in the body, fatigue gone. An internal purity appeared. Fourth day. For the first time during listening, nothing fell off in the vision. The thought came that one can concentrate on a specific organ during listening. Complete peace and emptiness inside. Fifth day. As I do therapeutic massages, and mainly use my right hand, recently my elbow hurt, the so-called “tennis elbow.” During the listening of the matrix, my arm was torn, twisted, and there was a signal from the shoulder to the wrist, as with electroacupuncture. I focused on the elbow and mentally expanded the signal, deepening the action. After a week of listening, the pains went away. And the elbow no longer hurts. The state after listening is stable: calm, lightness. After work, I do not get as tired as before. Definitely noticed such a detail: as soon as I think about the matrix, I automatically enter the state of listening. I can use this at any time. My body remembers it. When I talk to people about the matrix, they want to sleep, or just fall asleep.” Thank you and good luck!!!!! I will be in touch with you!!!!!!! All the best!! June 24, 2013.

  16. TSC

    Good day,
    A noticeable leap in physical development (the child has caught up with peers in height)
    June 23, 2013.
    (Background: Good day. 6-year-old child with a disability, survived 2 clinical deaths in the first year of life due to extensive CNS damage, no speech. What can you help with? And what is needed for that?… as, in addition to CNS problems, there are congenital heart defects, hip dysplasia, etc. (the list is long) Thank you. from 12.2013.)

  17. TSC

    Hello, thank you for your letter. Regarding our results: the child’s coordination of arm movements has somewhat improved. Interestingly, when the child draws, she depicts a spiral, although at the bend, the spiral is broken. I would also like to share with you my observations during the listening of the Fractal Spine-Correcting Matrix. It might be interesting… When I listen to the matrix, I tune into the sounds of the matrix and see my child’s DNA spiral. In the first days of listening, the spiral was thin, and its rotation was slow. For comparison, if I see my spiral, it looks massive, multilayered, glowing, and rotates faster than the child’s. Tuning into the sounds again, I observed the following scene: I see the child’s DNA spiral, which started to rotate a bit faster and became lighter, even a slight glow appeared. This spiral started to move towards me. As it approached, it became huge, and I clearly heard the sound of rotation. Eventually, I found myself inside the spiral. There, I saw many spheres coming towards me, and I ended up in one of them. Inside it, there were also spheres, and I found myself in one of them again. And so, I went through several levels of spheres, ending up in the smallest one. It contained several small spheres (perhaps 5), which were dark in color and scattered chaotically. During the matrix sound, they shook, and something like dust shook off them. After cleaning, the spheres started to line up in a row. When they formed a clear line, the outer spheres started to connect and formed a circle. As soon as this happened, they became bright, and a clear energy field formed in the center of the circle, which started to glow. As soon as this happened, I was thrown out of the spiral. June 23, 2013.

  18. TSC

    31 years old, Saratov region.
    I’m engaged in agriculture, the work is very labor-intensive with planting in the spring, haymaking in the summer, and harvesting in the fall. 5 years ago, I got infected with trichomoniasis, and after a course of antibiotics, it led to complications in the muscles of my entire body, diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, but the prescribed medications didn’t yield the desired results. I tried everything, including herbs and KFS plates 1, 2, 4, to no avail. I first heard about wave genetics 3 years ago but didn’t pay much attention to it. However, in April, an acquaintance called and suggested I try it. On April 9, they sent me a matrix scanned from my childhood photo. I started listening twice a day through a mobile phone, always with earphones with rubber tips, and in the car. Most importantly, I also play it while taking baths, placing a small player and spending about 15 minutes, preferably affecting the liquid medium with the matrix while filling the bath to enhance the effect of consumption. Before drinking, I place a glass of water in front of the speaker, after listening for 10 minutes in the morning and before sleep for 20-30 minutes. After a week, I noticed that my well-being improved, I had a good appetite, sleep improved, became more mobile, gained strength. Now I continue working with the matrix, listening in the same regime. I want to order a more powerful matrix so that the impact is specifically on the cause of my disease, that is, trichomoniasis, because to fully recover, it is necessary to establish the cause-and-effect relationship, and now we, with Sviatoslav Tarasenko, are working out a mechanism to completely destroy this parasite!

  19. TSC

    In October last year, I acquired an individual fractal spine-correcting audiomatrix for my sister, who was in an accident in Africa (Namibia).
    Miraculously, my sister recovered, although the accident was severe: a base skull fracture, multiple bruises, and cuts… Today, there’s a problem with her hearing – one ear almost doesn’t hear.

  20. TSC

    For the first 2 days of listening, the child was tired, very sleepy, and uninterested in anything. Since I was listening with her, it put a lot of pressure on my head, especially during the listening. At first, it pressed on my temples, then moved to the back of my head. Very interesting sensations. And in the morning, it was very hard to wake up, simply no strength during the day. But after the 3rd listening, it was the opposite, such an incredible surge of energy! Now there are no such reactions. Just a slight pressure on the head, no more. And if you tune into the sounds of the matrix, you can see something… I tuned into my daughter during listening and saw a DNA spiral, which helped me understand her. It stretched in an unbroken chain, was of such an interesting color, and as it stretched, a black ribbon peeled off from it. Then, when the second part started, I saw a light corridor, like flying in space among the stars, but there were very many of them. Then the DNA spiral appeared again and it went through a kind of filter, the light through which I was flying. But it was no longer a corridor, just like a laser beam. Saw something like that. That’s our story, Thank You) and Good Luck)
    Sincerely, Valentina.
    (Background: Child with central nervous system damage)

  21. TSC

    In the spring of 2013, I spent a long time in the ICU, and my recovery was nowhere in sight. That’s when I started using so-called “matrices” (Aquainitiators). I did it in the following way. I didn’t just listen to them; while listening, I mentally recited to myself the state of health I wished to achieve. For example, I had very high blood pressure, and while listening to the matrix, I would repeat to myself that my blood pressure was 100 over 60 and that it would drop to 140 by tomorrow. This is how I worked through each health issue. The results varied. Sometimes improvement occurred the very next day after listening, and sometimes it took 2-3 days.

  22. Olga

    The Aquainitiator lives up to its name. This program initiated “magical” changes in my life. More than a year has passed, and my fate has completely changed! Thank you.

  23. Vladimir Ivanovich Rakuto

    I, Rakuto Vladimir, am 65 years old. In 2018, my father first died at 89 years old (he couldn’t walk for the last year, was always bedridden, experienced immense suffering, torment), then after a month and a half, my mother died at 88 years old (from a stroke). I retired when they were still alive and took care of my parents, many can’t imagine what it is – in one word “horror”. I want to tell about my use of the healing device lamp Aquacorrector 2.2, invented by Surzhin V.N., which I purchased in the spring of 2019. A bit about why I acquired this device. Many know or have heard about the respected Professor Neumyvakin I.P., who is the author of many books on health and also dealt with space medicine. In his book “LONGEVITY is man immortal, myths, and reality” on page 33, I read about the developments of scientist Surzhin Vladimir Nikolaevich, read on the internet, watched video clips with his participation. I have a hobby “heal yourself”. Having familiarized myself with the parameters of this device and the principles of its action, I initially didn’t believe that such a device exists at all, in one word – fantastic. Why doesn’t medicine know about it and use it? I was sorry to spend money on acquiring the device, but health is above all, I want to live longer, not to die like my parents in agony. This book about LONGEVITY decided everything. Neumyvakin is an authority for me. Having received this device, I began to irradiate myself with the healing light of two lamps of this device. What I managed to cure:
    • Unfortunately, when I served in the army, at 19, I acquired the disease “foot fungus”, by stupidly putting on someone else’s boots. The most important thing in the army is feet. I did everything, rubbed various ointments, but after a certain time, the fungus appeared again. At 63, I irradiated the soles of my feet and nails for a week, the fungus disappeared, and the damaged nails on two toes began to grow back healthy.
    • Approximately at 33, I developed “gastritis”, the doctor said that in Russia, 95% of the population suffers from gastritis and ulcers. He prescribed medications, having drunk which I realized that one could die from them and stopped taking them. Before lunch, I was a person, but having gone to the dining room, I experienced terrible pains in the left subcostal area, which interfered with work. For 30 years I suffered from gastritis. With varying success, I fought this disease, drank yarrow, ate oatmeal, all to no avail. Applying the Lamp Aquacorrector device, I irradiated the stomach area, intestines. Within 3 days, gastritis was over, it surprised me, pleased me, and I was happy.
    • In April 2020, I got terribly cold, coughed, the temperature was about 39 degrees, realized that I got seriously caught, possibly it was coronavirus or flu, but I don’t know for sure, I didn’t call a doctor. I applied this device, irradiated my throat, the area of the nose and nasopharynx, lungs, heart, head. After three days, I was healthy. After going outside, I warm up my body as a must. This autumn and winter of 2020-2021, I did not get sick with viral diseases.
    • When I was 13 years old, I got a head injury, a neighboring boy threw a stone at me in the area of the forehead on the right side. The blow was so strong, I thought I would die. In old age, I started to have periodic pains on the right side in the area of the brain and the right eye. Thinking, I began to periodically irradiate the head and after 2 months everything passed, which surprised and pleased me very much.
    • I warmed up – cleaned the liver in 2019, approximately after 1 month I felt a big pain in the liver area, stopped irradiating, but the pain did not subside, I had nothing to lose, and I continued warming up with the device. Then decided to go and surrender to doctors, but the pain unexpectedly passed. I think a stone came out.
    • I warmed up the kidneys and spine, there were no pains, the spine became more mobile, but it still needs to be worked on.
    • During warming up with the device, the body is cleaned of toxins, previously the tongue was covered with abundant mucus, but now it’s clean as a baby’s.
    • Now I’m trying to cure two knees, it got better, but not completely. Laziness mother, born before us, I warm up my knees, but not every day.
    • Usually in the morning, I treat a cup of warm, boiled water with the rays of this device and drink it to clean the body of toxins and start the stomach. In addition, I periodically turn on the audio program AQUAINITIATOR (multifractal tuning fork), which you sent me, a good program. I test, use this device since April 2019, and do not regret that I bought it. Many want to lose weight, including me, but how to do it? Until you have cleaned your body from negative for human microflora, parasites, fungi, viruses, helminths, weight loss for a person can be dangerous. I want to live up to 120 years healthy, without Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia. In one video clip of Surzhin V.N., it is recorded that it is better to apply this device to a person who believes in God, then the effect will be better. Be healthy, everything is God’s will.
    Respectfully, pensioner Rakuto Vladimir Ivanovich.

  24. Grateful Buyer

    My life is a drama. But the worst part of this drama began 15 years ago, as I got married. Failures, illnesses, depression, feelings of helplessness to change anything, fears (fears intensified over the years), insecurity, feeling of losing myself, horrors, nightmares in sleep, job loss and even the loss of opportunities to get a job, troubles, and illnesses in children, accidents with my son. In short, it’s impossible to list everything.
    And about 5 years ago, I ended up in a clinic for neuroses with psychosomatics, namely, with severe pains in the trigeminal nerve, with a feeling of oppression and with deep depression. I didn’t want to live. How to live further, I didn’t know… The feeling that I was in prison haunted me all my life. Probably, I lost the sense of freedom early, I can’t even remember it. Hemoglobin was always low and I always had dizziness, even sometimes lost consciousness. Always, but for the last 15 years, I wanted to run away from everyone, far away, so that no one could find me.5 years ago I ended up in the clinic and they prescribed me antidepressants, it somehow helped. Seriously, for 5 years I studied psychology to understand what’s wrong with me. And not seriously studied for 14-15 years. I understood everything, but couldn’t do anything about it. I remember the inner tension from childhood and the feeling of inner freedom, relaxation was unfamiliar to me, I tensed up to at least somehow feel relaxation or freedom, but it didn’t give results, it was only worse.
    Fears intensified over the years so that I began to feel horror or animal fear (I don’t even know how to call it). Psychologists were making money on me, but they didn’t help me. And then, once again after talking with a psychologist, who convinced me that I need to undergo gestalt therapy, and I started gestalt, but it got worse, and psychosomatics intensified. I simultaneously underwent all examinations (gastroscopy, ultrasound, tests), but nothing was found, except for some micro-changes and low hemoglobin. And everything hurt. Realizing that the psychologist dragged me to the bottom, into the past and that I again had psychosomatics, I prescribed antidepressants for myself because he refused to prescribe them, and I am studying at a medical school and as it turned out, I did it in time because panic attacks and fear attacks were already starting. In other words, softly speaking, I almost ended up in a clinic for neuroses again. For 4 years after the clinic for neuroses, I studied the topic of “wave genetics”, but I was afraid. Nothing helped me except for antidepressants. But to drink pills all my life is not an option for me.
    Probably, this was my last hope and in August 2019, I ordered an Aquainitiator (tuning fork) indiv. influence and lamp Aquacorrector 2. They recorded from my cousin. My daughter will write a review separately, so I won’t write about her results. We started and continue the application together. The 1st course was completed, now we are undergoing the 2nd course of application. Discomfort lasted about 3 weeks, all the time I wanted to sleep. All my sick organs and systems reacted. It was hard. I envy those for whom the application of AQUAINITIATORS was pleasant))). Unfortunately, it was different for me. By the end of the 1st course, there was a momentary feeling that I was losing touch with reality and it lasted about a week. When the discomfort and unpleasant sensations, heaviness in the body, aching in the body, pains passed, completely different sensations began to come: freshness in the psyche, which I don’t even remember in childhood, energy in abundance so that I didn’t even know where to put it all, how to manage all this. It was like being poor all your life and winning millions of dollars and not knowing what to do with it. Of course, I spent it unwisely, but gradually I began to learn to manage. The beginning of the 2nd course was also uncomfortable, but easier and it passes. As Sviatoslav explained to me, my shaken nervous system and weak body responded to the healthy body of my brother, from whose photo the recording was made. I began to feel freedom and began to respond to people oppressing me in a way I would never have responded, and if I had responded, I would have felt guilty for a long time. Parasites came out not only internal but also external)))psychic parasites, vampires received a rebuff and as much as they wanted to suck my energy, they had to leave))).I realized a lot, including the reasons for my sufferings, depressions, fears, horrors, and nightmares- it’s my environment, parasites both external and, I think, internal too. Nightmares are gone, there are no more fears of any kind, even the fear that there may be no money or I won’t pass exams, etc., unfounded, empty, silly fears left me.
    Interestingly, there is no internal tension, with which I used to live all my life, it seems to me, all my 44 years of life. A feeling of calmness, harmony, and integrity of personality, acceptance of myself and freedom from the chatter of psychologists and psychotherapists. There is no longer a need and necessity to turn to them, and there are no questions for them at all. And why, if you are confident in yourself, and feel free to do everything you want.
    Also noticed that dizziness is gone, but I have not yet re-done blood tests. Hemoglobin was last 93, barely raised it from 80. Eyes shine, also haven’t seen it for a long time. There is no rejection of myself, searches for flaws in myself. Teeth stopped hurting. I sleep deeply, fall asleep immediately, but I still love to sleep))) I can’t get enough sleep)). I used to always fall asleep with difficulty, thoughts were spinning in my head continuously, everything was oppressing, gnawing inside, soul pains and memories of the past, etc. and so on. Everything is gone! )) Disappeared, evaporated, dissolved and I already feel and see that forever! I feel almost always joy, good mood.
    I got off antidepressants in the process of the 1st course due to an excess of serotonin. Why did this happen? I think because there was enough of my own, that the need for antidepressants disappeared, it only led to an excess. And before that was not.
    I was preparing for the start of the AQUAINITIATORS application seriously, I did not treat it as a freebie, I forgave the past and the people from the past, I let everyone go, I was able to do it, thanks to Sviatoslav, who led me and my daughter like blind kittens. Somewhere stuck, hit my nose and couldn’t go further, and Sviatoslav showed the way and how to bypass obstacles and we went further. There were many tears and with many of my tormentors I had to say goodbye, because this time I chose myself and my life. Hellish soul pains from childhood Left me alone and the past no longer causes me pain. I remember my childhood and my past, but I don’t need it anymore, I don’t even remember and I am calm.
    Later I will add another review, as I go through the 2nd course and pass tests. If I missed something, I will definitely write in the next letter. I am very grateful to Sviatoslav, without his help and guidance, I think, I could not. Immense gratitude for his patience and work))))) Great human gratitude!))) Remains to thank in person))) Thank you. (Kuban)
    P.S.: Almost forgot about the cats. As we received the lamp Aquacorrector 2 and started the application, a kitten came to us, we took him to us, he was sick, refused to eat, could not stand on his legs and he had rapid heart rate and breathing, after a couple of sessions with the lamp Aquacorrector 2 he began to eat, play, the rhythm of the heart calmed down and breathing became even. For 45 days of the course, he became 2 times larger than his size, very active, energy is gushing, bites everyone, makes noise, etc. And my 2 adult cats also didn’t feel very well, they began to feel good, and interestingly they became huge cats, i.e. grew a lot, although they were treated for only a week. All cats had worms of different breeds, lengths from all holes)) It was terrible to see. The kitten had a significantly enlarged kidney, about 3 times, now the size of the kidney has significantly decreased. Perhaps these were parasites)) that lived in his kidney. One cat had eye inflammation, and nothing helped, but now the inflammation has almost passed. But they are my street cats and were treated for only 1 week, because there is simply not enough time for everyone. Geranium, which was sick all year and all summer, bloomed. I will try to find photos and send them. That’s all for now)). Now I am directing lamp Aquacorrector 2 at the scar. We will share the results.

  25. Andrey

    Dear Sviatoslav! Stressful work over the years took its toll. I started to have frequent headaches and nighttime insomnia. In the morning, I would wake up lethargic and unrested. Since I’ve long been a convinced abstainer, the “common” way of help was not suitable for me. I started looking for an alternative and found your video lectures. The technology itself and its results interested me. From the first days of listening to the multifractal tuning fork for individual impact, I quickly fell asleep and woke up refreshed and invigorated. About 35 days after starting to listen, my headaches stopped bothering me. At work, if I use the tuning fork for general action “Vigor,” I hardly ever feel tired by the evening. I feel rejuvenated by 20 years! Now I’ve acquired a lamp and use it together with the tuning fork. I will keep you updated on my results.

  26. Nina Alekseeva

    I purchased the Lamp Aquacorrector on the website and after some time, Sviatoslav Tarasenko recorded an individual tuning fork AQUAINITIATOR for me, which I have been listening to for about 3 months. Yesterday, I went to the hairdresser, and she unexpectedly noticed – Your hair has darkened, and the gray hair is disappearing. That is, changes happening to me became noticeable to others. Also, my hypothyroidism disappeared, and mastopathy went away. I’m not a sickly person, but these things are happening to me. I also want to say that the feeling of fear disappeared, and my sleep became magnificent, whether I sleep 3 hours or 8, I feel equally rested, meaning my nervous system is relaxing 100%. By the way, spots on my hands and the so-called age-related lentigo gradually disappeared, my skin whitened and became as tight as in my youth. The contour of my face tightened, and small wrinkles began to disappear, my eyes started to sparkle. I felt some lightness in my entire body, as it was in my youth. I stopped feeling my heart. Blood tests were surprisingly good. Hemoglobin 123, non-aggregated blood (not clumped) with a large number of leukocytes. That is, good immunity. But the first effect was with my grandchildren, they just drank structured MFC water. There was a mass exodus of worms, and it lasted about 5 days. Then everything somehow disappeared, complaints vanished. We structure and enjoy drinking water with the whole family, and we are all water lovers. My MFC is used by my daughter, who was constantly suffering from HERPES, but now it gradually faded away, the rash became paler and paler, and after 2 months (long) just disappeared. It’s a cunning virus and doesn’t give up easily. And my MFC is used by my 85-year-old mom, who is very active, but suffered from high blood pressure, so listening to the MFC helped lower the pressure. Moreover, swelling in her left ear that troubled her disappeared very quickly, and her sleep normalized. She says she hasn’t slept so well in 10 years. Her vision improved a bit, she started to see better. That’s in her words. What happens next – I will add reviews, we all continue to listen, probably out of habit, but such a beneficial habit for us all. If all this hadn’t happened to me, I would have considered it a fantasy. A deep bow to Sviatoslav Tarasenko for the MIRACLE of healing he did for us. I tell my mom about the scientists who create such technologies thanks to new discoveries in physics, and she is amazed and asks – Do other people know about this, that one can treat themselves so pleasantly? I answer that there are more and more such people every year, and soon medicine simply cannot do without wave genetics.

  27. Natalya Shestopalova

    Hello, Sviatoslav.

    I promised to share the results of using AQUAINITIATOR of individual influence + AQUACORRECTOR TSC.

    1. Have completed the 1st course. As it seemed to me, my son (paranoid s.s.) has no results yet. But as soon as we took a break, after 3 days began an exacerbation in the form of aggressiveness, insomnia. Immediately returned to listening to the programme and immediately after 30 minutes of listening my son fell asleep for 12 hours. After that in 3-4 days we returned to a ‘complacent’ state. we continue the 2nd course. Sleep has normalised. Wears constantly AQUACORRECTOR TSC, we use water treated with Viton-Im. Also noticed when treating tablets amitriptyline Russian-produced (has a bitter astringent taste, does not have a protective coating), AQUACORRECTOR TSC. changes the taste of tablets; – less pronounced unpleasant taste, goes bitterness (from the words of my son).

    2. I listen to the programme myself and on the 5th day I noticed the appearance of a normal feeling of the sphincter of the bladder, gradually stopped bothering pain in the lower abdomen (the last 5 years of increasing stress urinary incontinence) .Such a relief. Walking with the dog, running with him and – just comfort, forgotten feeling.

    3. Reduced the feeling of pressure in the neck in the thyroid area and some difficulty swallowing and even visually the neck has become thinner (subtotal resection of the left lobe of the thyroid gland for a nodule 35 years ago, postoperative hypothyroidism) Now freely put on a jumper, before I could not, pressed throat collar.

    As soon as I took a break – immediately fell ill with acute respiratory viral infection in a rather severe form (laryngitis, tears, fever, etc.).
    I had to come back and start the 2nd course.
    Well, that’s how it is. Unexpected effects, but nice. Thank you very much 🙂 Natalia.

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