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ISI is an intelligent system for initiating specified properties in aquasystems
ISI is an intelligent system for initiating specified properties in aquatic systems. It is an integral element of system correction technologies. The effect of the device is achieved by translating combinations of acoustic and electromagnetic signals obtained using a research hardware and software complex based on special lasers. The impact is soft and environmentally friendly.
ISI is an intelligent system for initiating specified properties in aquasystems. It is an integral element of system correction technologies. The effect of the device is achieved by translating combinations of acoustic and electromagnetic signals obtained using a research hardware and software complex based on special lasers. The impact is soft and environmentally friendly.
Features of the device:
- Initiates specified properties in aquasystems.
- The possibility of targeted impact through the selection of the necessary programs.
The device ISI-1.003 is an intelligent system for initiating specified properties in aquasystems by broadcasting active bioresonance information in laboratory and domestic conditions, it is recommended to use in combination with water prepared in devices of the TITANIA series.
The device ISI-1.003 is made according to new knowledge and technologies for health, longevity and rejuvenation of the body. The device implements the principles of the phenomenon of aquacommunication, the principles of linguistic-wave genetics and spin-polarized physical waves generated by the torsion of space.
Water is a natural universal radio system. Aquacommunication is the ability of water to display, preserve, lose, transmit the properties of the donor object or the acting field, encoding it in the structure of some aquafragmentation of the hydrogen grid with the formation of appropriate aqua models of influence.
The device ISI-1.003 is used for the prevention and rehabilitation of the body itself. This is a drug-free method of correcting deviations in the state of health of the body at all levels.
The device can be used both for broadcasting in the acoustic range (special headphones), and in infrared, ultraviolet, optical and wide band of radio range (special set-top box for broadcasting). Also in this device, the combinatorial effect of spin-polarized magnetic fields is used.
Purpose and operation of the device:
- Initiates the processes of autocorrection of the functional state in aquasystems, resulting in both general recovery and correction of the functional state of individual organs and systems (for example, getting rid of intervertebral hernias, arthritis, thrombosis, gastritis, diabetes, disorders of the nervous, cardiovascular, genitourinary and other systems).
- Records on water and aquatic environments (water, food) useful properties from objects-donors of wildlife. The structure of water comes to a healthy state. There is a structural harmonization of matter with the help of spin-polarized magnetic fields and its saturation with information with useful properties in order to maintain human health.
- Neutralizes fine-field radiation of biospheric pathogenic zones in residential and office premises, as well as other pathogenic radiation of artificial origin.
- It is used to suppress the growth of opportunistic microflora, neutralize bacterial toxins, and destroy parasitic cells.
- Affects the improvement of the state of all systems of the human body:
- Activates the psycho-energy centers of a person (the so-called “chakras”). The energy exchange of a person with the environment is established. Each chakra is responsible for embodying in a person certain spiritual qualities that most people are in an unmanifested state. After waking up, they begin to radiate “vibrations”, expressing the principles of Divinity in us. It is in this sense that we are created in the image and likeness of God.
- Activates and cleanses the energy channels (meridians) of a person. The connection of the etheric body of a person with the physical one is restored. The circulation (patency) of energy through the channels is enhanced. Vital energy passes freely through energy channels through the entire body, ensuring the normal functioning of systems and organs.
- Increases the body’s resistance to adverse environmental factors.
- Strengthens the immune system, increases the vitality of the body. The growth of pathogenic microflora is suppressed. The body begins to work in a normal mode for it and, accordingly, many health problems disappear.
- There is a comprehensive cleansing of the body (cleansing the blood and lymph, cleansing the body of toxins and toxins), restoring metabolism in the body, blood pressure is normalized. The activity of the intestine is normalized. The weight and vitality of the body are restored.
- Prevention of viral infections.
- Prevention of diseases of the prostate gland. There is a gradual restoration of sexual activity.
- Effective for increased excitability of the nervous system (increased fatigue, poor sleep, nervous breakdowns, panic, stress, insomnia, hysteria, nervous tremors). Mental and physical overstrain is relieved. Stressful conditions are eliminated. Peace and tranquility come. Sleep is normalized (a person sleeps less, and feels better). Improves memory and appetite. The ability to make the right decisions in various situations increases.
- There is a prevention of various diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular diseases, skin inflammation, female diseases and much more. A person becomes more energetic and healthy.
- The rate of tissue regeneration increases. Healing of wounds, cuts, abrasions, fractures occurs faster and better.
- The body rejuvenates and heals. It starts in a process of “reversing time.”
- The aqua-field (“aura” / “biofield”) of a person is restored and his effective state is maintained in adverse external conditions.
- The possibility of targeted (individual) impact on specific functions of the body through the selection of the necessary programs.
- The possibility of reagent-free, targeted, remote change and / or giving new specified properties and characteristics to various objects of living and inanimate nature.
- As a result of the introduction of our technology, you will be able to bring to the markets new products and services with improved existing and fundamentally new (depending on the needs) properties and characteristics, reduce the cost of their production, increase the production culture itself, and bring new product lines to the market with sufficient anticipation of competitors.
- The ability to constantly adjust the impact model itself (a special information signal in the format of AQUAINITIATOR) depending on the task, the preliminary, intermediate and final results of the impact, in other words, to correct the programs for the needs of the technological process in the shortest possible time, from a few seconds in some cases, to fully or partially automate such a process at the request of the customer.
- The proposed technologies can significantly reduce the pressure of the human community on the environment by improving existing and launching new technological processes, as well as neutralizing negative impacts.
The device is designed for use both individually and for collective work.
The main model of influence on any material, biological object or process in order to give them new and / or improve existing properties and characteristics is a special information signal (program) in the format of AQUAINITIATOR or in other words, an impact model made on the basis of radio-acoustic analogues of donor objects obtained by special methods from various objects of living and inanimate nature. The above programs can be broadcast when assistance of a special hardware complex under the control of artificial intelligence through almost any known generators of physical fields (simulated radiation with various characteristics) for reagentless change in the properties of objects of living and inanimate nature by initiating phase transitions (mainly phase transitions of the second kind).
AQUAINITIATOR is a deep impact model obtained by software transformed radio-optical holograms (topographic images) read using a hardware and software complex based on special lasers and other physical field generators. Donor samples from various donor objects of living and inanimate nature are taken as a basis for obtaining such programs (depending on what properties and characteristics you want to give the object of influence to be treated). The resulting radio-optical holograms (topographic images) are programmatically converted into an information signal in the AQUAINITIATOR format (by analyzing them, cleaning them from various parasitic frequencies, noises, by combining, synthesizing and mixing with various useful sounds of natural origin and harmonious melody), for example:
- AQUAINITIATOR of individual (targeted) impact. Starts the regeneration of the body to its natural state. The process of restoring the original integrity of the damaged structure (the original “drawing”, the hologram of a person) starts. THE AQUAINITIATOR adjusts the body to a frequency that coincides with the original natural vibrations of a person, the body acquires the desired resonance, attunement occurs organisms with natural frequencies. The hologram of a person is subject to restoration and the acquisition of structural integrity. The aquafield (“aura” / “biofield”) of a person is restored. This rise in energy revives the systems and organs of the human body and makes a person able to receive, recognize and absorb the information coming to him. Since the AQUAINITIATOR of individual influence is a kind of key or set of addresses with the help of which the body “updates” information about its ideal state, which is then reflected in the physical body. In other words, there is a recovery and a turn of life circumstances in a favorable direction. Information is absorbed by almost any aqua system and correction is effective.
- AQUAINITIATORS of various biologically active substances of natural origin for translation to water and water-containing liquids, to give them various useful properties and characteristics.
- WATER INITIATORS of special action for the regulation of various biological, chemical, physical and other processes (regulation of the fermentation or fermentation process, dispersion, control of the behavior of various bacterial and fungal crops (for example, in the dairy industry, fisheries, agriculture, forestry, production of dietary supplements, chemical industry and metallurgy).
- Special programs for various purposes, consisting of software combinations of information signals in the format of AQUAINITIATOR (for example, the programs “Healthy Sleep”, “Vigor”, “Male Potential”, “Female Energies”, “Rejuvenation”, “Siberian Health”, “Source of Strength”, etc.). various biologically active substances (for example, extracts of medicinal herbs, their seeds, sprouted seeds, nuts, flower pollen, bee royal jelly, shilajit, stone oil, etc.).
Impact models were developed by us in 2012, and confirmed their effectiveness both experimentally and practically. The developments, namely, the creation of an information signal in the AQUAINITIATOR format , are aimed at building models of deep impact at the primary levels, which are based on the phenomena of aquacommunication (the ability of water to perceive, preserve, transmit and lose the level of organization of the material object with which it interacts), as well as a number of other own techniques. An essential feature of programs in the AQUAINITIATOR format. is that they can be addressed not only through sound, but also through almost any kind of physical field generators.
As a result of joint work on the full or partial implementation of the technology proposed by us, it is possible in the near future to jointly offer customers mobile water treatment complexes of a new generation, which have no analogues, complexes for reagent-free, targeted, remote assignment of specified properties to various objects of living and inanimate nature, and in the future compact energy complexes.
Our technologies are applicable in almost various industries: artificial intelligence systems and biotechnology, industry, agriculture, forestry, livestock, fisheries, healthcare, education, etc. The proposed technologies can significantly reduce the pressure of the human community on the environment by improving existing and launching new technological processes, as well as neutralizing negative impacts. As a result of the introduction of our technology, you will be able to bring to the markets new products and services with improved existing and fundamentally new properties and characteristics depending on the needs, reduce the cost of their production, increase the production culture itself, and bring new product lines to the market with sufficient anticipation of competitors.
Studies on the study of the effect of the information signal in the AQUAINITIATOR format on purified water, metals, alloys and plants, conducted by the team, recorded a change in metals, and alloys, water, polymers, plants under the influence of an information signal in the AQUAINITIATOR format. Promising results were obtained, the research cycle continues and practical use of the results obtained is planned.
Our technologies are applicable in almost various industries: artificial intelligence systems and biotechnology, industry, agriculture, forestry, livestock, fisheries, healthcare, education, etc.
The use of this technique (technology) allows you to become the source and cause of events (conceptual power) at the personal level, the levels of the family, the collective (community), society.
- controller;
- set-top box for broadcasting;
- special software (a set of programs in aquainitiator format);
- broadcast module;
- digital-to-analog converter.
Additional equipment at the request of the customer:
- laser module for ISI;
- wireless headphones with bone sound transmission;
- a program in the format of AQUAINIATOR of individual impact;
- special programs for various purposes, consisting of software combinations of AQUAINITIATORS;
- the program in the format of AQUAINITIATOR from the sample-donor of the
It is possible to supply in configurations for specific customer tasks.
The service life of the device with proper operation in accordance with the instructions is 10 years or more.
The warranty period of use is 12 months.
Product Declaration
The use of the device has nothing to do with medicine. This product cannot be used as a direct substitute for any medication and is not used to diagnose, relieve, treat or prevent any disease. Its use does not mean the rejection of medical methods of treatment. If you suspect the occurrence of any diseases, contact your doctor first.
The manufacturer reserves the right to change the configuration and characteristics of the goods without notice. At the same time, the functional and qualitative indicators of the goods remain the same or only improve.
Experimental sample.
Contact us to discuss cooperation and purchase of our products.
System correction technologies are a new approach to solving problems in various fields:
- intelligent systems and biotechnologies;
- ecology and healthcare;
- management and goal-setting;
- production and processing.
System correction technologies are the key to excellence!
When using the AQUAINITIATOR program of individual (targeted) influence, the following are possible:
- General correction of the state of health (until complete healing). The process of restoring the original integrity of the damaged structure is underway.
- Healing effect (general improvement of health, well-being, healthier sleep, increased endurance, increased stability during psycho-emotional and physical stress) due to the activation of the body at its own frequencies.
- Prevention of various diseases (cardio- and oncological diseases, infertility, immune diseases, viral diseases and many others).
- Rejuvenation and strengthening of the body.
- Staying (finding) a person in a state of awareness, in which it is easier for her to recognize (recognize) environmental factors.
- Correction of the field of events (to reach your best possible scenario for the development of fate). Realization of its purpose. IFC builds in the life field of human events situations that are necessary and favorable to him.
- Increased creativity.
- Disclosure of physical and mental capabilities (abilities).
- Restoration of the human aqua-field (“aura”/”biofield”) and its maintenance in adverse conditions.
- Individual protection of a person from psychophysical influences.
- Correction of the consequences of various adverse information influences on the personality that have arisen as a result of its “mistakes” in the way of thinking, words, actions (deeds), the result of cause-and-effect relationships, the so-called “damage”.
- Neutralization of the effects of harmful radiation of various electronic devices: mobile phones, computers and others.
- Neutralization of the impact of biospheric pathogenic zones.
- An additional weighty tool to protect against other various adverse effects.
When using AQUAINITIATORS, no side effects were detected.
For a better understanding of the technology we use, we recommend that you watch the video
Report at the Congress “Energy Medicine 2015”, Sviatoslav Tarasenko, Germany.
TOPIC: “Reagent-free change in the properties of water and hardware-software complex for its implementation”
Sviatoslav Tarasenko is a researcher, the creator of models of influence in the AQUAINITIATOR format, the developer of a set of devices, including an intelligent system for initiating specified properties in the ISI aquasystems and TITANIA aquaconditioners, a teacher of his own methodology of self-awareness, self-development, self-realization and goal-setting.
For the best impact, it is recommended to use the device in combination with the following products:
- Laser module for ISI. Designed to initiate specified properties in aquasystems by translating active bioresonance information in laboratory and domestic conditions.
- AQUAINITIATOR of individual (targeted) influence – triggers the regeneration of the body to its natural state. The process of restoring the original integrity of the damaged structure (the original “drawing”) is underway. The program in the format of AQUAINIATOR builds in the life field of human events situations that are necessary and favorable to him.
- Aquaconditioners series “TITANIA”. Devices with multi-stage systemtheme of water conditioning. TITANIA conditions water using electrochemistry and biophotonics methods at the molecular level, being purified from almost any substances and influences harmful to the human body, acquiring as a result of processing special combinations of electric currents and modulated physical fields, the most complete range of useful properties. Healing largely depends on how clean and healthy water a person drinks, since he himself consists of water.
Sviatoslav Tarasenko conducted a series of experiments to study the reagent-free change in the properties of water (field transfer of the properties of donor objects to water). Purpose: to fix the result of the impact of information signals in the format of AQUAINITIATOR on water and metals.
Samples of frozen water after influence to an information signal in the format AQUAINITIATOR
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Read the results and experiments
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Weight | N/A |
Model | ISI-1.003 |
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